Google may be setting itself up to lose a lot of users. For years Google has been putting up “doodles” on their home page. On their own they seem innocent and perhaps whimsical or educational. But if you begin scrolling through the recent history of doodles, which Google makes available, you begin to see politics … Continue reading Is Google Set for Decline?→
The Chicago Auto Show, running since 1901 and currently the nation’s largest, is still going strong. The Show is located at McCormick Place. With 2.6 million square feet of exhibit space it is the largest convention center in the United States. McCormick Place probably seemed massive to people who visited it in the 1970’s, when … Continue reading Chicago Auto Show Continues to Shine→
Here are some things that could happen if you take your clothes to be altered at the local cleaners: They might use fluorescent green thread to alter the sleeves on a blue shirt. They might sew the thread to alter your clothes in a zig-zag pattern. They might alter your sleeves by cutting them off … Continue reading Tired of Mediocre Alterations from Your Cleaners? Try Nordstrom→
Jewel-Osco has introduced a new mascot: JOJO. Someone should have told them that a character conceived in a pool of nuclear waste is not very appealing. What made them think that a furry one-eyed monster would excite the masses? The positive impact on business is difficult to comprehend. It is hard to say what kind of … Continue reading Jewel-Osco’s New Mascot?→
Over the last several years a lot of people have gotten excited about the potential of drones. Amazon has pushed the idea as a delivery method. There is also a community of hobbyists who enjoy taking aerial footage. The whole thing is probably going to be this decade’s version of the jet pack: a fun idea that … Continue reading Drones Not Likely to Rule Chicago Skies→
How can selling the Chicago Stock Exchange to a Chinese Investor Group possibly be a good idea? There are frequently stories in the news about Chinese cyber-espionage attempts. Now it is permissible to sell them a trading hub which must be connected to many key financial computer systems? I cannot believe the transaction will be approved by … Continue reading A Chinese Chicago Stock Exchange seems Incomprehensible→
Frequently in recent months my cab rides have turned into conversations about Uber. It is possible that drivers are fishing for a sympathy tip. But I sense real frustration. I have heard from more than one that ride-sharing has taken 20-30% of the market. A lot of people in that industry came to America from … Continue reading Taxi Drivers Need Not Worry About the Future→
I read an article in Crain’s today about Chase Bank’s decision to stop counting coins for existing customers. As you might expect there were many comments about the death of customer service. Others talked about how only big money matters. Neither viewpoint is really on the mark. Big banks do actually care about small accounts. Remember when they … Continue reading Chase Removes Coin Counting Machines – It’s Part of a Bigger Process→
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